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Behind the Scenes
Judy Gamet, Owner/Artistic Director

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Setting the stage – The saga begins with Judy Gamet, Bachelor of Science in Dance Education from Western Michigan University.  Her love of teaching dance along with her interest in kinesiology (the science of human movement) led her to creating Motion Dynamics, a dance and aerobics business in Northern California.  Judy authored “The Theory of Motion Dynamics as it applies to Biophysics©”  She spent most of her early dance teaching career developing injury free aerobics programs and developed a curriculum of aerobic dance for grades K-12 called “Motion Dynamics in the Schools”.

Cross fade to home location – Judy has shared her life with rottweilers for over twenty years.  Being a responsible dog parent, Judy began studying obedience training and various dog sports.  Her goal to move her dance students toward their potential carried over into her life with her dogs

Tragedy strikes – Many years of dancing had taken its toll on Judy’s body, resulting in a fractured vertebra.  Although she rehabilitated to the point of become a strong performer once again, a car accident nearly destroyed her ability to teach dance or to perform.

Enter Bella, Stage Right – After losing both of her elderly rottweilers, Bella appears, obese, barely able to walk, dysplastic, and with an artificial hip.  The two females headed out on a mission to regain their lives and move forward.  Bella, as unlikely as it may seem, wanted to dance.  Judy, having spent most of her life reconditioning human bodies through dance could certainly do the same for her beloved Bella.  Thus, Dogs Can Dance™ was born.

Fast forward to today – Bella continued to teach side by side with Judy until she passed away at age 14.  The rest of Judy’s “family” continue to be her teaching and performing partners.  They appear in her programs and manuals.  Anabelle appears with Judy in the movie Doggie Boogie, of which Judy served as the Dog Dance Choreographer.  Judy continues her coaching worldwide through her workshops and Instructional Manuals, including programs for those who desire to teach the sport of canine freestyle.  Today her family and team partners bring you the opportunity to earn titles in a non-competitive setting, for all dogs of all ages through the Dogs Can Dance Challenge™. 

The saga of Judy and Bella continues…